When does a business owner need a commercial auto policy?

man on phone driving

As a business owner, when do I need to have a commercial auto policy? This question comes up often when we talk to business owners about their insurance needs.  Almost every business owner we work with should have some type…

10 Car Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Insurance Rates Low

car insurance maintenance

Car insurance rates can be a significant expense for drivers, but there are ways to keep those rates low. One effective way to lower your car insurance costs is by taking good care of your car. Regular car maintenance can…

Distracted driving is a growing concern on the roads today

constantly tempted to take their eyes off the road and onto their phones or other devices. This is a dangerous practice that can have severe consequences, not only in terms of accidents and injuries but also in terms of insurance…

Cybersecurity and Identity Theft: A Growing Threat in the Digital Age

The rise of digital technology has brought about many advancements and improvements in our daily lives. However, it has also created new security threats that were previously unimaginable. Cybercrime, in particular, has become a growing concern for individuals, businesses, and…

Top 10 Apps to Reduce Distracted Driving

Texting and driving

–Drivemode: This app helps to minimize distractions by simplifying the way you use your phone while driving. It automatically launches when you start driving and provides a hands-free interface for making calls, sending texts, and accessing music. ·  CellControl: This…

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